Net Medical News

March 4, 2021
Net Medical adds News Feeds for the latest on Telemedicine and Covid-19
Added today, Net Medical has a new news feed with the latest on telemedicine and Covid-19 stories. Read the story HERE.
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on any device, anywhere!

Project Management Director
Stephenie Wilson

February 24, 2021
Net Medical's Covid-19 Testing Program Enters New Phase
Net Medical has announced several new developments with our Covid-19 Testing Program. Rafael M. Rubio, Net Medical's President, explains the expanded features in our latest YouTube video, watch it HERE.
Read more about the Covid-19 Testing Program's latest phase HERE.

Project Management Director
Stephenie Wilson

December 16, 2020
HHS Chooses Net Medical as the Bronze Tier Design-A-Thon Winner
Net Medical Xpress Solutions, Inc. (OTCBB:NMXS) and their Telemed platform was chosen as the Bronze tier winner in the HHS COVID-19 At-Anywhere Diagnostics Design-A-Thon. They will proceed onto the TOPx technology sprint in January for further productizing their COVID-19 testing management software.
"We are very pleased to be recognized by government and industry leaders for our ideas and work on COVID-19 test management software solutions. When we adapted our telemedicine platform, Telemed, to support our COVID-19 testing and reporting efforts, we knew that many of the building blocks we used for acute stroke consultations would apply to time sensitive testing." said Rafael M. Rubio, President of Net Medical Xpress Solutions, Inc.
More information on the Design-A-Thon entries and winners can be found

Project Management Director
Stephenie Wilson

December 12, 2020
Net Medical Signs New Two-Year Agreement with University of New Mexico
Net Medical signed a two year extension with the University of New Mexico. The extension to the contract includes the expansion of cardiology services to the rural hospitals of New Mexico. We are excited to be partnered with UNM to provide these services where they are needed.
Read more HERE.

Project Management Director
Stephenie Wilson
December 17, 2020
Listen to Net Medical's President, Rafael Rubio, during an interactive Q&A with HHS Design-A-Thon Winners
Thursday, December 17th winners of the HHS Design-A-Thon answered questions on their designs. Net Medical's President, Rafael Rubio, represented Net Medical's Telemed for COVID-19 Wireless Data.
Listen to his 2 minute pitch:

Project Management Director
Stephenie Wilson

February 25, 2021
Dr. Neeraj Dubey Joins Net Medical Board of Directors
Net Medical is pleased to announce that Dr. Neeraj Dubey has been added as the fifth member of our Board of Directors. Dr. Dubey has been providing Neurology services with Net Medical for a long time. He already played a significant role with the company as the Chief Medical Officer, we are please to have his voice added to our Board.
Learn more HERE.

Project Management Director
Stephenie Wilson

November 28, 2020
Net Medical submits entry for HHS Design-A-Thon
Net Medical Xpress Solutions, Inc. (OTCBB:NMXS) has summitted their entry into the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) COVID-19 At-Anywhere Diagnostics Design-A-Thon. The Design-A-Thon is a series of events that HHS is working to advance diagnostic data interoperability, data reporting, and diagnostics innovation. Working to improve the diagnostic devices available to patients, streamline and alleviate reporting burdens, and ensure that design principles are open and transparent. The end goal is to alleviate data collection and reporting pain for anyone that is administering a COVID-19 test, no matter their location.
Read Net Medical's Design-A-Thon entry HERE.

Project Management Director
Stephenie Wilson