Volunteer for a
clinical trial

What are clinical trials?
Clinical Trials are studies designed to advance medical knowledge related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases or conditions. Clinical Trials vary in length and reason. They are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, academic medical centers, voluntary groups, and health care providers.
During a trial, information is gathered about the effectiveness of a device or treatment. The results may assist with new advances in medicine to individuals and scientists.
Why should you participate in a Clinical Trial?
Clinical trials are performed for many reasons such as:
developing new treatments or medications
identifying causes of illness
developing new diagnostic tools
studying trends
evaluating ways in which genetics may be related to an illness
Volunteer participation is vital to developing new medical diagnostic tools, medications, drugs, and devices.
When you participate in a clinical trial you will:
receive no-cost study related medical care from health care professionals
receive no-cost study related testing and medications
be compensated for your time and travel
contribute to advancing medical research

Get on the list!
If you would like to receive information about becoming a participant in our clinical trials, please provide your contact information below. We will notify you about on-going studies, upcoming studies, and provide information about how you can be a part of advancing medical knowledge!